Updated Roadmap for 2024
Foundational Milestone #1: Ability to complete the tutorial quest from the start screen to the battle completion screen (we are eventually leading up to here)
Support for majority of animation types both in and out of battle
Developed foundation of the battle UI
Login UI at least mocked up; having it working is not a requirement
Initial implementation of cutscene system
Foundational Milestone #2: Completion of tutorial quest up to doing your first summon; ability to modify squads
Developed foundation of the main screen and many of its submenus
Forego Summoner's Hall, Arena, Raid, Guild; either hide or mark them as locked
Partial/placeholder implementation of quest selector
Exact scope of implementation of each submenu is TBD
Completion of login system
Partial implementation for localization in game (we will likely either need to genericize the assets or recreate them for each supported language)
All of Mistral Quest, able to face Juggernaut.
Partial Localization
Developed Foundation of the Main Screen and many of it's submenus
Many Mistral mobs added
Unit + Squad Management: Summoners can Fuse/Evolve/Make Squads/Sell Units.
Partial Vortex Implmentation for Evolutions and Enhancements.
Item + Sphere Crafting
Begin looking into social features like making an account. (Will NOT Carry Over Across Betas/Launch)
May allow for a public or semi-public preview build for testing
Beta 1
Fully or Nearly Completed Localization Story and UI.
All of Quest up to Morgan, able to face Demon Abaddon
Summon System
Morgan mobs added
Player Account Management (Making an Account, Friends List, Profiles, Etc.)
Partial Daily Log-In System
Player Enhancement Framework, (Elgifs, Imps, Sphere Frogs.)​
Beta 2
Imperial Captial Available with Merit Shop/Quest
Revised and Implemented Achievement System
Testing Arena partial functionality
Frontier Hunter partial functionality
Raid partial functionality
Seasonal Content, Yearly Vortex Loop partially Implemented
Launch (Full Release)
All of Quest up to St. Lamia face against Creator Maxwell.
Relevant Seasonal Content
Guild Framework
Post Launch
Completition of Raid, due to theoritcal complexity.
Completion of Guilds, due to theoritical complexity.
Completion of Challenge Arena due to therortical complexity.
Completion of Colleseum due to therotical complexity.
Implementation of Vortex Arena into Yearly Schedule due to theoritcal complexity.
Continue too search for additional Localization Teams.
Community Content/Events
All of Post Maxwell Content until Brave Frontier 2.