Frequently Asked Questions
2024-2025 Update
What is Brave Frontier Re:Coded?
Brave Frontier Re:Coded is a Fan Made passion project, by the fans, for the fans.
We are returning to Grand Gaia once more, with 0 Monetization, Better Balance, and a restructured foundation to last generations!
Q: Will this be playable on mobile devices? Will this be available on the app store / google play store?
Q: Is there a download available / Where can we play the game / When will the game be available?
Q: How are you going to address micro transactions?
Q: Will there be collaboration characters?
A: For the sake of simplicity with programming and coding, Brave Frontier Re:Coded will be a browser-based game. The game is being built in portrait mode with the reasoning that as long as you have access to an internet browser on either Mobile or PC, you will be able to play Re:Coded.
The reason we cannot have the game on the app store / google play store is simply because of costs and copyright. Firstly, we do not have the budget to have an unpaid game on any of the app stores and we do not own the assets we are using, which is a requirement.
A: There is no download available and the game has no current release date at this time. Also, the game will not be downloadable but rather played in your browser.
A: To prevent any sort of copyright from Gumi or Alim, Brave Frontier Re:Coded will have absolutely no microtransactions available. Everything will be Free to Play. We will be working on making the game’s currency system and rewards a lot more fair than before!
A: To try and avoid any sort of copyright issues, we will be replacing collab units with either EU units or original characters, but with the stats of collab units.
Example: Legato Bluesummers may turn into EU Dark Zelnite
Q: How are the servers going to work?
Q: Why can't development go faster?
Q: How can we support the project monetarily?
Q: Are you going to implement every unit right away?
A: The team will be hosting and maintaining dedicated servers locally, which will require very little uptime costs. Cloud backups will also be put in place for potential downtime.
A: Development might seem slow because it is a completely unpaid fan project made entirely during our volunteer's free time. And since this is the case, we cannot morally impose a hard deadline upon our team members.
A: This cannot be done. Since getting any kind of monetary compensation for this project would be completely against copyright laws
A: Due to how much there is in the game that would need to be reprogrammed, we will not be implementing every unit right away. We will basically be starting Brave Frontier over from the beginning, with the 5* era and work our way up to Omni units at a much slower pace
Q: If servers are hosted by the Re:Coded team, how will the issue of cheating be handled?
Q: Why can't you just take more volunteers in to make development go faster?
Q: How will you be dealing with the copyright issue considering this game has no affiliation with Gumi or Alim?
Q: Will there be any changes that deviate from the original Brave Frontier experience? If so, How is this going to be decided?
A: A cheating prevention system will be put in place that will monitor player data for anything out of place. We want every player to have a level playing field.
A: Simply put: more people is more to manage. Everyone that is taken in would need to be shown how the work has to be done to be in line with the other team members' workflow and also to bring them up to the standards of quality that we require, especially when it comes to the coding team. And since the development speed funnels down to the coders, having more people make more assets will not make it go faster.
A: Short answer: We cannot. Reaching out to them would be too difficult and as a volunteer team, we may not even be recognized by the company.
Long answer: Brave Frontier, in its entirety, is the property of Gumi/Alim. We own no part of it.
We are using assets that were uploaded to reddit for the sole purpose of making an entirely fan made recreation of the game from scratch.
We are not profiting from the project whatsoever. If Gumi/Alim think we are breaching copyright, they have full legal rights to send us a C&D and we will be required by law to stop all work immediately.
A: Our goal is to recreate the original experience that Brave Frontier brought with some small quality of life additions. However, some changes will be necessary due to the fact that there will be no microtransactions and that it will be playable on PC.
That said, everyone has their own mindset on how Brave Frontier should be/could be fixed or changed. With Re:Coded, we want to ensure that everyone's voice is shared equally and that potential ideas for the game are viewed and considered all the same.
We will do polls in-game, across our socials, and on our website with any updated changes regarding buffs/nerfs in the future, a few of which have already been suggested by the community and subsequently implemented or are planned to be implemented!
Q: Will there be systems put in place for account & data privacy, security and recovery?
Q: Why are you putting resources into things outside of the game (Website, Socials, Updates videos, Wiki, Etc.) instead of focusing all of it into making the game?
Q: Should we have the expectation that Alim or Gumi could take down the project at any time?
Q: The Re:coded team mentioned Introducing Original or BF:R exclusive units added to the game.
How are these going to be decided upon without taking away from the original Brave frontier experience?
A: There will Certainly be systems for Account Safety and Data Privacy.*
*What we've discussed currently was creating accounts via email and Password.*
*We are how ever looking into using Google Accounts or possibly Discord as a Log-In mechanic, as it would certainly be possible and unique experience for our game.*
*With using Discord Accounts as a Log-In Feature, this would theoretically give us multiple Integration Points for things like Support Ticket Bots, Ease of Community Give Aways, and possibly more integrations in the future*
*Our additional plans are to implement 2FA using the Google Authenticator App since our Coders have experience with such implementations.*
A: Unfortunately yes.
While we have high hopes that there will be no issues going forward, we still do not want to pretend that the possibility is non-existent.
We have gone through and attempted to make contact to a few relevant individuals regarding the current situation of Brave Frontier's IP holders and we still have yet to receive a response.​ In the meantime, we hope that with enough growth we will be able to shine through, catch their attention and either receive their approval regarding the project, or look into some sort of deal or negotiation to keep the project alive.
A: We are simply continuing to explore other avenues while the development is ongoing. As mentioned before, development currently comes down to the volunteering of the Coders. So, while they work hard on the coding aspect, we want to continue to show our support and expand upon the revival of Brave Frontier in order to keep the community hopeful and engaged.
A: They will be put under high quality control in order to make them as faithful and balanced as possible whether it be visually or mechanically.
Our goal is to make these units seamless when it comes to the brave frontier experience, like they could be something Gumi would officially release. The experience must primarily be as close as possible to the OG brave frontier.
Q: Is Re:Coded going to be collecting data. If so, what kind of data will Re:Coded be collecting?
Q: Can BF:TLS be revived?
(Brave Frontier: The Last Summoner)
A: We will collect only the data required for a smooth experience. Email addresses, usernames and passwords will be collected for account security and identification purposes, and game data will also be collected for cheating prevention and feedback.
A: It is uncertain if the assets for Brave Frontier: The Last Summoner were saved before the game was shut down. Therefore, it would be unlikely that there would be a full revival, at least with the team focusing on the main Brave Frontier game for the foreseeable future. That said, having some sort of reference to BF:TLS is not totally off the table. There could be potential units and quests partially ported over as a nod to that game. Do keep in mind that this is a possibility and not a promise.
Q: Will we get the option to reroll our initial summon?
A: Lots of you have mentioned that Rexona had this feature and so far there are no complaints or reasoning to not have this feature. While it may not be added in the early public test builds, we can certainly look into having it for future versions.
Q: Will there be Singleplayer? / Offline? / .Exe Release? / Mod Support?
A: The thought about having people self-host their own servers with their own content and accounts was considered. But at the moment, this concept is simply an idea to be discussed with the broader team and to be implemented far, far into the future if it is agreed upon.
There are other things to consider when having more than one server like versioning of the client and the server, data compatibility, authentication, and how your own content could be added. If we did bring about a self-hosting feature, it could be implemented in a way where the initial server option would be the "live" server (Where there are social features like friends and raids), and the self-hosted server would be a pseudo-offline mode. It would be expected for account data to stay on the server it was created on and not transfer.
Again, these are just potential ideas and nothing mentioned is final or confirmed.
Q: Will you be bringing a PvP mode for players as an additional source of gems like Challenge Arena?
A: We would love to reintroduce Challenge Arena at some point as that was a very well received part of the game. However, we would like to make sure that both Normal Arena and Raid Battles are functioning as intended as well as making sure the gem economy is not hyper-inflated when we are ready to work on bringing back Challenge Arena.
Q: Will I have the same progress as before the end of service?
A: We are not Gumi, so we do not have access to players' data stored on Gumi’s servers from before the game was brought to an end. This means that everyone will be starting from the very beginning.
Q: Will you be adding Omni evo units to those who do not have one?
A: We all wish we could've seen OEs of some of our beloved units. This can only be possible if we have more people dedicated to joining the art team. If you are an artist and would like to be a part of the Art team, feel free to leave your Art Portfolio or samples of your work in the Discord server.
Q: Will there be a Challenge mode or new game+ content for endgame players?
A: We do want to implement a New Game+ feature to add on to the ease of access with farming gems in the long run. Currently we don't have any thoughts on any Challenge/Hard mode version of the game. However, we are open to the idea.
Q: an you add a display list of droppable items per quest & pop up menu on items where they can be acquired?
A: This is a great idea. Rather than having to look on the Wiki for where materials are located, we will look into having an in-game pop-up that tells you where you need to go to find such material. Whether you have acquired it previously or not.
Q: Are you going to add 2d live animation to existing unit art?
A: Going back to the Art Team, this would also fall in line of Re:Coded Exclusive content. We currently have no plans on making this a main priority. If our Art Team gets large enough and we have the given resources, we can look into it for future use. But as of right now, 2D Live animations for existing units is not a main focus.
Q: Will you be removing the level reset and BB level reset when evolving units?
A: We are aware that the removal of BB level reset was a well received addition in Brave Frontier 2. However, given the availability of resources to improve BB level, whether through Fodder Units or Burst Frogs, it would possibly make it too easy in the short and long term of the game. The amount of resources we will be giving players should make it easy enough to build on units.