Co-Lead Coder
Hiya. I started Brave Frontier on April 1, 2014, and my first 5-star unit was Emilia. Never missed a day according to the in-game day counter. :)
Brave Frontier has had quite the unexpected impact on my life, particularly with my professional career with the number of projects I created and worked on that helped to develop my skills. The list of Brave Frontier-related projects I've worked on can be found at a later section on this page.
I learned a lot about software development with a heavy skew into web development. Today, I work as a software engineer with a specialty into web dev. I don't know if I'd be where I am today without Brave Frontier.
After helping save the game's assets to for the community, I thought that'd be it with my involvement for Brave Frontier. But then, I saw a post about Brave Frontier Re:Coded, a fan remake of the game. After some discussions and an initial POC on remaking the BF2 Summoner + Tilith animation in Godot, I eventually became one of the tech leads for the BFRC project.
So, here is Brave Frontier again making me learn something new, this time with game development using Godot. Here's to hoping is goes as well, if not better now that there is a dedicated team and it's not just me, than my previous projects.
I guess a Summoner's journey is truly never over.